This short and accessible guide provides an introduction to community fundraising for civil society organisations.

Local resource mobilisation is an essential part of the localisation – empowering communities to participate, influence and take decisions on policies that affect their resilience. Using this guide, local organisations can get to grips with the basics of how to effectively mobilise resources that support the social objectives of their community.

The first part of this resource focuses the strategic planning cycle, and important principes at the heart of successful fundraising.

This next section provides insights in how to understand and engage with your donors. Simple overviews of topics like the donor engagement cycle and building trust are covered in easily digestible segments.

The final part explains how to mobilise resources from both individuals and companies. Explanations of key fundraising terminology are provided, such as: crowdfunding, product and service sales, legacies and diaspora fundraising.

Clear overviews are also provided on different ways to engage companies, including employee fundraising, sponsorship, product partnerships and in-kind donations.

This guide was produced by GNDR in partnership with Change the Game Academy.