Five principles of participation
Five principles guide who is involved and how they participate in risk-informed development.
1. Owned by communities most at risk
Recognition of community custodianship of commons (i.e. cultural and natural resources accessible to all members of a society, including natural materials such as air, water and a habitable earth) by those who live there; the recognition of communities most at risk to take part in decisions and development processes that affect them.
2. Participatory
Meaningful and engaging spaces for multiple stakeholders to harness collective wisdom and capacities to make decisions together, diagnose challenges and chart a course of action to resolve them.
3. Inclusive
The inclusion of relevant and multiple stakeholders – particularly marginalised groups – for fair, equitable and effective results.
4. Gender transformative
Actively examine, question and change rigid gender norms and imbalances of power that advantage boys and men over girls and women.
5. Empowering
Remove barriers (individual, societal, systemic) that hinder people – especially those that are marginalised, denied rights or most at risk – from taking control of their own lives and the decisions that affect them.