
Our global board sets our overall policy and defines the strategic direction and objectives of the organisation.

Global board

It is made up of 20 members: 13 regional representatives elected by members, two independent representatives, and five trustees.


Regional representatives




Independent representatives

Governance documents

Our governance manual provides a full overview of the main duties and responsibilities of the global board and trustees.

The minutes of our board meetings are openly available to read.

Governance documents

Regional representatives

Baimba Handel Si-Diakay Sisay

Southern Africa Regional Representative

Baimba Handel Si-Diakay Sisay

Southern Africa Regional Representative

  • Executive Director of EGAN: (Evangelização Geral de Ajuda aos Necessitados)
  • GNDR National Focal point Mozambique 
Ghada Ahmadein

North Africa & West Asia Regional Representative

Ghada Ahmadein

North Africa & West Asia Regional Representative

  • Program Manager Arab Network for Environment and Development (RAED)
  • Member UNDRR Arab Civil Society Major Group
  • Consultant at the BlueGreen- Med Networking Mechanism
  • GNDR Egypt National Focal Point (2019-2021)
Emmanuel S. Seck

West & Central Africa Regional Representative

Emmanuel S. Seck

West & Central Africa Regional Representative

  • Programme Manager, ENDA Energie
Tasneem Siddiqui

South Asia Regional Representative, Stichting GNDR Member

Tasneem Siddiqui

South Asia Regional Representative, Stichting GNDR Member

  • Chair and Founder, Refugee and Migratory Movements Research Unit (RMMRU), University of Dhaka
  • Advisory Committee Member, Platform on Disaster Displacement (PDD)
  • Former Chair, Asia Pacific Migration Research Network
Graciela Mercedes Salaberri Vacani

Chair of the Global Board, South America Regional Representative

Graciela Mercedes Salaberri Vacani

Chair of the Global Board, South America Regional Representative

  • Executive Director, Sociedad Amigos del Viento meteorología ambiente desarrollo (AdelV)
  • President of Uruguayan Network of Environmental NGOs
  • Permanent Secretariat of the Latin-Ibero-American Federation of Societies of Meteorology FLISMET
Eena Geslaine Barrun

South East Asia & East Asia Regional Representative

Eena Geslaine Barrun

South East Asia & East Asia Regional Representative

  • Program Co-ordinator, Center for Disaster Preparedness Foundation, Inc.
  • GNDR National Focal Point, Philippines
  • Network Co-ordinator, Disaster Risk Reduction Network-Philippines
Lorenzo Mota King

Caribbean Regional Representative

Lorenzo Mota King

Caribbean Regional Representative

  • Executive Director, Servicio Social de Iglesias Dominicanas
Mario Flores

North America Regional Representative

Mario Flores

North America Regional Representative

  • Director, Field Operations, Disaster Risk Reduction and Response, Habitat for Humanity International
Prime Nkezumukama

Eastern Africa Regional Representative

Prime Nkezumukama

Eastern Africa Regional Representative

  • Executive Director, DUKINGIRE ISI YACU
Khurram Shahid Malik

Pacific Regional Representative

Khurram Shahid Malik

Pacific Regional Representative

  • Founder and board member Humanitarian Organization for Poverty Eradication, Hope Worldwide-Pakistan (HOPE) 
  •  Steering committee member of the Refugee Alliance in New Zealand
  •  GNDR National Focal Person, New Zealand
Sophie Rigg

Europe Regional Representative

Sophie Rigg

Europe Regional Representative

  • Senior Resilience and Climate Adviser, ActionAid
Tania Triminio Quintanilla

Central America Regional Representative

Tania Triminio Quintanilla

Central America Regional Representative

  • National Director of Disaster Preparedness, Response & Humanitarian Assistance, Cruz Verde Hondureña
Tolekan Ismailova

Central Asia Regional Representative

Tolekan Ismailova

Central Asia Regional Representative

  • Director, Human Rights Movement “Bir Duino-Kyrgyzstan”

Independent representatives

Rod Snider

Vice Chair of the Global Board, Independent Global Board Member

Rod Snider

Vice Chair of the Global Board, Independent Global Board Member

  • Senior Associate, Tetra Tech
Zenaida Willison

Vice Chair of the Global Board, Independent Global Board Member

Zenaida Willison

Vice Chair of the Global Board, Independent Global Board Member

  • Senior Advisor, Center for Disaster Preparedness, Philippines
  • Advisory Board, Partners for Resilience
  • Board Member, Adventist Development and Relief Agency- International and Asia
  • UNISDR member of Advisory Board on Local Actors for the ISDR Asia Partnership


Claire Tiffen

Vice Chair of Trustees

Claire Tiffen

Vice Chair of Trustees

  • Global Programme Funding Manager, Tearfund
Ewout van den Blink

Treasurer, Stichting GNDR Member

Ewout van den Blink

Treasurer, Stichting GNDR Member

  • Management Consultant, Eiffel B.V. (The Netherlands)
Peter Curran

Chair of Trustees

Peter Curran

Chair of Trustees

  • Director & Principal Consultant, Explorer Consulting Limited
Usha Menon


Usha Menon


  • Founder, Usha Menon Management Consultancy

Stichting GNDR

Stichting GNDR is an independent organisation created by GNDR and registered in The Netherlands. It has been established to ensure that our global network can still access vital European funding now the UK has left the European Union. More information about Stichting GNDR can be found in our FAQ document.

Farah Kabir

Stichting GNDR Member

Farah Kabir

Stichting GNDR Member

  • Country Director, ActionAid Bangladesh
Dorothea Hilhorst

Stichting GNDR Member

Dorothea Hilhorst

Stichting GNDR Member

  • Professor humanitarian studies, Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR)
Ewout van den Blink

Treasurer, Stichting GNDR Member

Ewout van den Blink

Treasurer, Stichting GNDR Member

  • Management Consultant, Eiffel B.V. (The Netherlands)
Heleen van der Beek

Chair of Stichting GNDR

Heleen van der Beek

Chair of Stichting GNDR

  • Director Strategy, Communication and Innovation, Cordaid
Oenone Chadburn

Stichting GNDR Member

Oenone Chadburn

Stichting GNDR Member

  • Head of Humanitarian and Resilience Team, Tearfund