STRATEGY 2020-25
Strategy process
How the network came together to create a member-led strategy
Our new strategy Local Leadership for Global Impact was developed by GNDR’s members around the world, with input from other stakeholders.
The following consultation and drafting process was undertaken to produce the final member-led strategy document.
Members’ survey
Five hundred members took part in a survey which captured the challenges they are facing in reducing disaster risk and suggested priority actions for the network. This survey was designed by our regional advisory groups.
Regional workshops
Nearly two hundred and fifty members attended workshops around the world to further explore what we could do together to build the resilience of communities most at risk. These workshops included presentations from thought leaders in emerging agendas and approaches.
Stakeholder roundtables
Roundtables and interviews also took place with our existing and potential partners, including UN agencies like UNDRR, UNDP, and UN Environment, our key supporters such as EU DEVCO, SDC, USAID OFDA, and SIDA, academic institutions such as Kings College London, and civil society networks such as the Children and Youth Major Group, the Disability-inclusive DRR Network, as well as the International Federation for the Red Cross.
Evaluation of 2016-2020 strategy
This reflection was supported by an evaluation of our old strategy, which highlighted the areas where our global network had had the most impact, and the areas we could further improve.
Drafting committee and feedback
A drafting committee, composed of members of the Secretariat and a sample of the elected regional representatives from the GNDR global board, developed a first draft that was disseminated for review to the entire membership.
The first draft was also circulated to our partners and a technical advisory committee made up of thought leaders in the fields of humanitarian action and international development.
Hundreds of valuable comments were received and incorporated to create a final version of strategy that was then approved by the global board.
Next steps
Members in each region and country will now come together to plan their joint implementation of the strategy, with the support of the secretariat.