Our new global report draws on our interviews with nearly five thousand displaced individuals, as well as civil society organisations and local governments in 11 countries. We reveal six key findings and six conclusions, as well as ways forward to address forced displacement as a driver of risk – from the perspective of those most at risk.
Executive summary
Around the world, forced displacement is on the rise. Growing numbers are affected by disasters and, instead of safe, controlled evacuation and where necessary re-settlement, the average length of displacement is 20 years.
Further, one in four displaced persons end up in urban informal settlements, often on the edge of cities. It is also critical that factors of the reality are understood to ensure durable solutions are achieved for displaced communities around the world.
Research involved 11 displaced communities living in urban areas, who shared their perspectives of the challenges they faced through ‘Views from the Frontline’ and other participatory techniques. GNDR members have also been engaged and have shared their experiences for the research.
Findings include that the overwhelming majority of displaced populations continue to be vulnerable to disasters and conflict years after their initial displacement, and they are at high risk of entering, or staying in, economic insecurity once they have been forced to leave their home. Their plight is not helped by local government response to displacement being focused on the short-term and on single hazards, increasing negative impacts of climate change, lack of inclusion and a lack of effective, localised response to address disasters.
The paper concludes with recommendations for coherence to lead to durable solutions. It suggests this could be achieved by recognising the critical role of CSOs in convening local stakeholders as part of the collaboration of all stakeholders to address current displacement challenges, long-term resilience thinking, effective governance and meaningfully including displaced persons in the policy environment affecting them.
Explore the data
View, search and filter the data from our forced displacement surveys in 11 countries around the world. Our data is free and openly accessible to everyone.
READ MOREProject funded by
United States Agency for International Development

Our Making Displacement Safer project is made possible by the support of the American People through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) – Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance. Content related to this project on our website was made possible by the support of the USAID. All content is the sole responsibility of GNDR and does not necessarily reflect the views of the USAID.
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