As civil society organisations how can we ensure impact at the front line? This resource, called We need a reality check! provides an implementation plan for civil society to ensure the post-2015 disaster risk reduction framework (the Sendai Framework) has an impact at the local level.

Reflecting on reviews by UNDRR of the Hyogo Framework for Action, as well as the GNDR Views from the Frontline project, this resource highlights 10 essentials for local level impact. Examples include: understanding local perspectives of risk, mobilising local resources, and leaving no one behind.

The Sendai Framework asks for different groups to define their own roles in achieving the framework’s outcomes. This publication explains the six major roles for civil society organisations to play, in order to ensure local level impact. These are: implementer, capacity builder, knowledge broker, connector, monitor, and advocate. For each role, an overview is provided for what it means in the context of implementing the four priorities of the Sendai framework.

Playing the role of monitor, civil society organisations can develop local participatory monitoring tools to help increase understanding of disaster risk. As a connector, civil society can facilitate participation of communities and other groups in disaster preparedness, response, and recovery activities – supporting priority four. By raising public awareness of individual and institutional roles and rights, organisations can be a knowledge broker and strengthen governance to manage disaster risk.

Published in 2015, this resource is available in PDF format in three languages: