Use this tool to determine if communities are living in contexts or conditions that are susceptible to various hazards. This tool can be used as part of the risk-informed development planning process. 

Certain conditions and contexts can cause specific hazards. Look for these conditions to determine if the community concerned is prone to the hazards corresponding to these conditions.

Two tables are provided in the downloadable document:

  • Table 1 shows hazards that are either natural or triggered by climate change
  • Table 2 shows hazards that are triggered by human activity

The list of hazards is illustrative and not exhaustive.

The geographic determinants of susceptibility to hazards could be mapped or located with reference the settlement.

Local indicators of susceptibility to hazards may be related to people, place, physical factors, and systems.

This resource is available to download in Word format:

This resource is taken from our Risk-Informed Development Guide, which provides a comprehensive stage-by-stage approach to working with communities most at risk.

View guide

Project partners

Our Risk-Informed Development Guide was produced as part of our Local Leadership for Global Impact project. The project and all related content was funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). All content is the sole responsibility of GNDR and does not necessarily reflect the views of the BMZ.

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Our Local Leadership for Global Impact project is implemented in partnership with Diakonie Katastrophenhilfe.

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