100,000 Perceptions of Risk – Global Recommendations Report
The goal of Views from the Frontline 2019 is ‘to strengthen the inclusion and systematic collaboration between the government, at-risk people and civil society in the design and implementation of DRR and resilience policies and practices’.
Views from the Frontline was implemented in 750 at-risk communities in 50 countries across Asia, the Pacific, Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean. 15 communities from each country were purposefully selected based on the geo-political setting, hazard and risk profiles, and socio-economic vulnerabilities. The selection of the most-at-risk communities was done by identifying the interconnectedness of disasters, impacts of climate change and underlying vulnerabilities.
The data collected includes the responses of 119,000 people and captures their perceptions of:
- Existing and emerging risks
- Risk governance structures
- Suggested mechanisms to reduce the impacts of disaster risks
- Perceived factors preventing the inclusion of marginalised people in resilience processes
- The degree of coherence adopted at the local level between DRR, climate change and eco-based disaster risk management approaches
- Differences in the perceptions of civil society organisations, communities most at risk and local governments (to help to identify gaps between policy, practice and action)
Communities subsequently used the data and findings to collectively develop local action plans to address the main threats identified.
At the national level our findings were analysed and conclusions drawn out about trends in risk and vulnerability, as well as policy gaps. National advocacy plans were then developed by a multi stakeholder group in each country along with the key recommendations.
GNDR then thematically analysed the global trends in challenges and recommendations. We used this to develop our global conclusions report and offer practical recommendations to strengthen risk governance in the second half of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction global implementation.
Global conclusions
Next chapter100,000 Perceptions of Risk
ContentsProject funded by
European Union

Our Views from the Frontline project is funded by the European Union (EU). Content related to this project on our website was made possible by the support of the EU. All content is the sole responsibility of GNDR and does not necessarily reflect the views of the EU.