Our supporters
We are grateful to all donors, supporters and benefactors past and present.
Current donors
We create exceptional partnerships with our donors that bring about a meaningful and impactful change to communities most at risk.
Institutional government donors
European Union (EU)

The European Union’s department for International Partnerships delivers official development assistance on behalf of the EU, working with partners to achieve sustainable development.
The EU funds our current Views from the Frontline project, running 2018-22. Implemented by GNDR member organisations and partners in 50 countries, the project ensures that development decisions are informed by people most at risk.
Diakonie Katastrophenhilfe (DKH)
Diakonie Katastrophenhilfe (DKH) works in partnership with GNDR for our Local Leadership for Global Impact programme of work, running 2021-23. Working in partnership across 130 countries, GNDR and DKH, a German NGO, are collaborating with communities and civil society organisations to scale out locally-led initiatives to build resilience to complex disasters. The project is funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), through DKH.
Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida)

The Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency is part of the Swedish Ministry for Foreign Affairs. Sida is Sweden’s government agency for development cooperation.
Sida is funding various projects during 2021-22 as part of our five-year strategy. Examples include: research on champions of risk-informed development and localisation; our local leadership academy; regional advisory groups; and a series of grants for civil society organisations to implement innovative approaches to building resilient livelihoods.
Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC)

SDC is the agency for international cooperation of the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs, Switzerland.
SDC is contributing to the achievement of our five-year strategy, 2021-25. Three outcomes have been identified for support: partnerships and joint actions between civil society organisations are created or strengthened, and civic space is widened; there is an increase in local actors deciding on resilience priorities and securing sufficient resources; and development takes into account the range of threats at the local level.
United States Agency for International Development (USAID)

USAID is America’s international development agency; it works to help lift lives, build communities, and advance democracy. The Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance (BHA) is the U.S. Government lead for international disaster assistance funding.
USAID-BHA funds our Making Displacement Safer project, running 2020-23. Taking place in 11 countries, the project aims to contribute to the substantial reduction of disaster risk losses in lives, livelihoods and assets for displaced populations in urban areas. We’re listening to people displaced by conflict and disasters – and working with them and their communities to trial their locally-led, innovative solutions to improving lives and livelihoods.
Trusts and foundations
We are growing this area of our funding and are grateful to all the trusts and foundations who currently support us.
In-kind donations
Memsource: a cloud-based commercial translation management system and computer-assisted translation tool.
Past donors
Our previous donors have included:
- Ministry of Foreign Affairs (BZ), Netherlands
- Cordaid
- The Disasters and Emergencies Committee (DEC)
- Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT), Australia
- The Department for International Development (DFID), UK
- Directorate-General for European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (DG ECHO), EU
- The Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery (GFDRR), World Bank
- Tearfund
- United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR)
GNDR has also previously benefited from in-kind support from a range of donors, including the assignment of book royalties and speaker engagement fees, free or discounted software, office hosting, pro bono legal advice and the provision of conference facilities.
GNDR members organisations also receive significant donor support directly. The supporter organisations listed above refer only to funds mobilised through the GNDR secretariat.