Our findings are reported in nine key conclusions that explain why lives and incomes are still being lost – as reported by the people who live in the places that are most at risk.

Major topics covered in this report include:

  • Community exclusion from decisions about risk reduction
  • Planning for community participation in resilience plans and actions
  • Local government responsibilities
  • Information and communication gaps
  • Local funding accessible by communities most at risk
  • Risk-informed development
  • Mainstreaming ecosystem-based approaches to DRR policies

The report is based on interviews with over 100,000 community members, civil society organisations and local government representatives in 44 countries at risk of disasters.

Participants were asked about the threats they face (like floods, earthquakes, landslides, unemployment, epidemics, to name a few); what action can be taken to prevent disasters; and what the barriers to those actions are.

Each conclusion is explained with key facts, statistics and examples from the communities we spoke with.

View report

Implemented by GNDR members and partners in 50 countries, our flagship Views from the Frontline programme ensures that development decisions are informed by people most at risk.

Views from the frontline