Our theory of change sets out how we will achieve our vision as a global network
What is our vision?
A world in which everyone works together to strengthen the resilience of people most at risk and prevent hazards from becoming disasters.
Why is this not happening?
Instead, disasters are increasing in impact and they are disproportionately impacting the most marginalised because:
- CSOs have shrinking space to amplify local realities
- Actions are not appropriate as they are not informed by local realities
- Development is often not risk-informed and creates more risk as poverty, disasters, and climate change are addressed incoherently
Our vision can be achieved if:
- Partnerships and joint actions between CSOs are created or strengthened, and civic space is widened
- There is an increase in local actors deciding on resilience priorities and securing sufficient resource
- Development takes into account the range of threats at the local level
To bring about these changes, GNDR will need to:
Strengthen the collaboration, mobilisation and solidarity of CSOs
We can achieve this goal if:
- CSOs recognise the benefit of collaboration over competition
- CSOs are able to collaborate
- Mechanisms and policies are in place to enable collaboration
- CSOs are held to account to collaborate
Champion a localisation movement
We can achieve this goal if:
- Governments and INGOs believe CSOs should lead
- Local CSOs have capacity to lead and be accountable to communities most at risk
- The enabling environment for local CSOs to lead exists
- Global and national actors are held to accountable for localisation
Strive for risk-informed development
We can achieve this goal if:
- Different sectors believe they must build resilience whilst advancing development
- Evidence-based knowledge exists and is applied on how to do effective risk-informed development in six critical contexts
- Different sectors at different levels have the opportunity to collaborate
- All actors, not just DRR practitioners, have clear roles for taking risk into account
Read more about our five-year strategy
Strategy 2020-25